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Monday, August 1, 2011
Friday, April 1, 2011
Life is a Beach and I'm just Playin in the Sand....
There are very few couples that I admire and think truly compliment each other. This weekend I got to watch my friends Dan and Dee get married. They are really made for each other, and the entire week was a blast. We arrived in Puerto Rico on Friday morning and hit the beach right away. There was about 150 people there for the wedding so it was amazing being so far from home and running into old friends everywhere you turn!
Picture Recap Time!!!......Me and My Bestest Claudia!
How did I get such a hot boyfriend??? :)
Me and My long lost Friend PattyRickkkkk!!!
All the Brides Maids and Bride
We ventured out for lunch one day to this slightly sketchy area of Puerto Rico. There were wild dogs, and trash everywhere. The locals pulled up in run down cars, and no teeth.
Basically they fried everything, hot dogs, mashed potatoes, cheese, YOU NAME IT! It tasted pretty good but made us feel like death for the rest of the day. Ryan and I went to Ruth's Chris Steak House that night for dinner and then everything was all better :)
This was probably our favorite part of the trip.. On the last day Ryan and I went to Old San Juan. The city was so awesome. It was all cobble stoned streets, and little allys. We toured the Cristobal castle, and then had an amazing dinner. Perfect ending to the perfect trip.
Being surrounded by so many amazing people on vacation made for one of my all time favorite trips. To anyone thinking of visiting Puerto Rico.. GO! :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011
Dear Blog Family..
I am so sorry that I have been MIA. Thank you for the emails and comments wondering where I was! That made me smile :o) My life has been hectic times a billion lately. Let me give you a recap..
I am so sorry that I have been MIA. Thank you for the emails and comments wondering where I was! That made me smile :o) My life has been hectic times a billion lately. Let me give you a recap..
In other news our DEAR friend Bobby (pic: upper left) moved away :o( The Lady's of Scottsdale have been crying every minute since he moved.... and Ry and I haven't been taking it much better! He has moved to Charlotte for a better job, and a fresh start. At least, we will be able to get out of Scottsdale every now and then to visit him. On a professional note --- BIG NEWS! I got invited to Dr. John Sperlings home for a leadership dinner.
If you don't know, he is the founder of University of Phoenix and a truly remarkable, inspiring person. His house was absolutely amazing.. Here is a picture of me in the front entrance. I have fallin in love with my job all over again, and am truly thankful for the way everything is falling into place. Unfortunately, my spare time has turned from blogging, to work, school, and a fighting chance at a social life. You know its bad when 3 of your girlfriends text you in one month asking if your mad at them because you haven't been responsive. I'm trying everyone -- please bare with me :o)

Today I am working half day, then heading to a spring training game with my co-workers. Then ----Sound the Trumpets--- Ryan and I are off to Puerto Rico for a week! Pictures, story's, and a more faithful blogger to come!! Bon voyage friends!
Weekend Recaps
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
"Girls are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. The boys don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples from the ground that aren't as good, but easy. So the apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality, they're amazing. They just have to wait for the right boy to come along, the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree."(saying from
I just love this and think it's so true! Men, stop eating those rotten apples! :0)
I just love this and think it's so true! Men, stop eating those rotten apples! :0)
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Miami Weekend!!
In a last effort to help my dear friend say "Bye Bye" to single life, we celebrated Diane's bachelorette party in Miami last weekend.
Me and the beautiful bride to be! :0)
The first night we went to the W Hotel for dinner, then we went to the club there called Wall. We danced the night away then made our way to a 24 hour deli for pizza, pancakes, and pasta.
We spent the second day recovering (slash drinking) at the pool. Then we went to LIV..
Somehow we got RIGHT into LIV, and ended up at a table. Then to make things even better we found these amazing head pieces.. hahahaha
OH! Did I already mention??? Ryan bought me LOUBOUTIN's for Christmas so I proudly rocked them in MIA! They are black suede with the zipper heel! - Yes, I am in love.
Such a fun weekend! No cheesy penis necklaces, sashes or tiaras.. just one last girls vacation!!
Weekend Recaps
Monday, January 31, 2011
Lucky in Love!
I don't know exactly how it happened, but somehow,..... I, little ole ME.. ended up with the greatest boy in the entire world! Monday mornings just don't have the same sting when you wake up next to the love of your life after a weekend of relaxation. My ideal weekend has become as such: No plans, movies in bed, quality time with Ryan and family. Life is so much less chaotic when you eliminate the hangovers, and jam packed days. As my work life is becoming more and more demanding, I am relishing in my sleepy weekends these days. Hope everyone has an amazing week!! :)
"Joy is a return to the deep harmony of body, mind, and spirit that was yours at birth and that can be yours again. That openness to love, that capacity for wholeness within the world around you, is still within you. ~Deepak Chopra
I don't know exactly how it happened, but somehow,..... I, little ole ME.. ended up with the greatest boy in the entire world! Monday mornings just don't have the same sting when you wake up next to the love of your life after a weekend of relaxation. My ideal weekend has become as such: No plans, movies in bed, quality time with Ryan and family. Life is so much less chaotic when you eliminate the hangovers, and jam packed days. As my work life is becoming more and more demanding, I am relishing in my sleepy weekends these days. Hope everyone has an amazing week!! :)
"Joy is a return to the deep harmony of body, mind, and spirit that was yours at birth and that can be yours again. That openness to love, that capacity for wholeness within the world around you, is still within you. ~Deepak Chopra
Friday, January 28, 2011
Vision Board Fridays
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Recommended Reads
I just finished reading "The Leadership Pipeline" and I loved it. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is trying to climb the corporate latter. It clearly defines the roles that you must play as you transition through different leadership positions in your career. One (of the many) things that stuck out to me was that when one transitions from "Managing Yourself" to "Managing Others" many people think that the same values will help them succeed. When in fact - You have to completely change your values, time allocations, and function. When a manager is not acting in line with their position (whether under or over it) they become a road block to themselves, their employees, and their company. It helped me as a manager, as well as someone who wants to continue to progress through the pipeline. This book really motivated me to want to empower my employees and help them succeed as much as I can. If anyone reads it, let me know what you think!! Happy Thursday Lovelies :)
I just finished reading "The Leadership Pipeline" and I loved it. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is trying to climb the corporate latter. It clearly defines the roles that you must play as you transition through different leadership positions in your career. One (of the many) things that stuck out to me was that when one transitions from "Managing Yourself" to "Managing Others" many people think that the same values will help them succeed. When in fact - You have to completely change your values, time allocations, and function. When a manager is not acting in line with their position (whether under or over it) they become a road block to themselves, their employees, and their company. It helped me as a manager, as well as someone who wants to continue to progress through the pipeline. This book really motivated me to want to empower my employees and help them succeed as much as I can. If anyone reads it, let me know what you think!! Happy Thursday Lovelies :)
Friday, January 14, 2011
Vision Board Friday
Today you are the culmination of every failure, heart ache, trial, and tribulation you have lived through. Each one has made you wiser, stronger and more resilient. Consider today as the most perfect day of your life because you are going into it proud of who you are and what you have overcome. Live free, laughing, encouraging others, and preparing for the next best day of your life...which is every day after today...

Vision Board Fridays
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
The Natural Progression to.....
I have been watching this happen for the past two years now... Hoping in fear that it would never happen to me. Im talking about the point when, a friend who use to be my "go to" bar hopping buddy grows out of the scene. It happens slowly, and there is a solid 5 month transition period. In the first phase, they still come out with me but have to get really drunk to have fun. Then the hangovers and silly Fax pas made under laser lights and house music further remind them of their fleeting desire to go out. The second phase is the worst though.. that's when they still go out, but have learned from phase 1, not to drink too much. They just simply go out, plan to be DD and have no fun. This goes on for the duration of the time until they fall off the radar completely. I have watched 2-3 of my fallen soldier best friends carry out the phases and leave me dancing alone on the bar. Today, I find myself with a much different group of friends that I had a year or two ago. It hit me this weekend that I have not only begun this natural progression but am finding myself smack dab between phase 1 and 2. I never thought this would happen to me! I can already see the fear in my friends eyes that I am on the tail end of this Scottsdale bar hoping train.
I have been watching this happen for the past two years now... Hoping in fear that it would never happen to me. Im talking about the point when, a friend who use to be my "go to" bar hopping buddy grows out of the scene. It happens slowly, and there is a solid 5 month transition period. In the first phase, they still come out with me but have to get really drunk to have fun. Then the hangovers and silly Fax pas made under laser lights and house music further remind them of their fleeting desire to go out. The second phase is the worst though.. that's when they still go out, but have learned from phase 1, not to drink too much. They just simply go out, plan to be DD and have no fun. This goes on for the duration of the time until they fall off the radar completely. I have watched 2-3 of my fallen soldier best friends carry out the phases and leave me dancing alone on the bar. Today, I find myself with a much different group of friends that I had a year or two ago. It hit me this weekend that I have not only begun this natural progression but am finding myself smack dab between phase 1 and 2. I never thought this would happen to me! I can already see the fear in my friends eyes that I am on the tail end of this Scottsdale bar hoping train.