I am so sorry that I have been MIA. Thank you for the emails and comments wondering where I was! That made me smile :o) My life has been hectic times a billion lately. Let me give you a recap..
In other news our DEAR friend Bobby (pic: upper left) moved away :o( The Lady's of Scottsdale have been crying every minute since he moved.... and Ry and I haven't been taking it much better! He has moved to Charlotte for a better job, and a fresh start. At least, we will be able to get out of Scottsdale every now and then to visit him. On a professional note --- BIG NEWS! I got invited to Dr. John Sperlings home for a leadership dinner.
If you don't know, he is the founder of University of Phoenix and a truly remarkable, inspiring person. His house was absolutely amazing.. Here is a picture of me in the front entrance. I have fallin in love with my job all over again, and am truly thankful for the way everything is falling into place. Unfortunately, my spare time has turned from blogging, to work, school, and a fighting chance at a social life. You know its bad when 3 of your girlfriends text you in one month asking if your mad at them because you haven't been responsive. I'm trying everyone -- please bare with me :o)

Today I am working half day, then heading to a spring training game with my co-workers. Then ----Sound the Trumpets--- Ryan and I are off to Puerto Rico for a week! Pictures, story's, and a more faithful blogger to come!! Bon voyage friends!
glad you're okay and all is well!! i know all about being busy lately, but it does tend to keep you out of trouble. ;]
have a blast in puerto rico and can't wait to hear all about it! :]
It sounds like everything is going well! Happy to hear it. :)
Glad to hear you are alive and kicking still! Sounds like things personally and perfessionally are at a high! Take advantage of it because not many people can say the same right now.
I'm so happy you're "alive" so to speak! LOL Have fun on your little Holiday and can't wait to see pictures of when you get back via blog of course!
hv fun and share the stor when u return :)
the house is simply AMAZING!!..ayeeeee
new follower here, pls check out my blog when u cn :)
you're coming to PUERTO RICO??!! yay!! hoopee you love it.!! the beaches are just wonderful..!! xoxo have a blast!!!
That's awesome! Glad to hear you're doing well. Have a great time on your vacation!
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