Back in High School, as are most kids, I was always embarrassed by my family. It's a natural thing. When my Dad wanted to take me flying, skiing, boating, etc.. all I wanted to do was sit in my room and talk on the phone with my friends. Why are teenagers so oblivious to a good time? Even though, doing it over, I would have savored these family moments a little more.. I am lucky to still have some amazing memory's. My Dad is a bit of an EXTREME guy. While a lot of dad's take their kids out on the lake and ride jet ski's... My dad was the one riding the jet ski while doing a head stand and jumping trees. A dull moment in his house was hard to come by. I remember my dad told me one time that he got a new toy that I would like. As the 15 year old Pre-Madonna I think, "finally... new dresses, shoes... makeup,.. finally.. he gets me!!". He takes me out to the garage and points to a giant para-sail. OK. my interest was peaked! I was ecstatic, and wanted to be the first person to try it. My dad told me that if I wanted to go on the para-sail.. I had to practice first. Practice?! A para-sail??! WTF. You see... when you go to Cabo, or the Bahamas and do this... you go on a boat and there is a seat that elevates you off the boat while the sails catch the wind. Well... when you go behind Stormie's boat (my dad).. You start at the top of the boat launch... and run your booty off behind the boat, hoping that you catch the wind before you hit water!!! The second thing that you have to master is the navigation while you are in the air so that you don't turn too far one way. How could one practice this you ask???!!! Well, let me tell you... We were on the drive way, in front of the house, which is on a fairly busy street, and he tells me to put on the harness.
Completely nervous, I put it on and await the next step. He walks me over to the jet ski lift and that's when what Ive always thought, was validated ....... we just aren't like other family's. My Dad welded a two level boat/jet ski rack that had a crane to life the jet ski's onto the top level. Well today.. he must have thought I looked an awful lot like a jet ski because up I went. Yes... He hooked me to the crane and lifted me above the house to dangle and practice the right and left commands. Cars passed, and looked at the little blond girl high above the house swaying from right to left in a harness, attached to a crane. HAHAHAHA! All the practice paid off because I was a success at the Para-sail, I caught wind before I hit the water, and navigated perfectly. I sailed high above the water, wind in my face, looking down on all the houses, doing my Miss America wave the whole time. The landing.... well, that we didn't practice. That consisted of, a slow descent... aimed at the shore, but landing in a volleyball net, slicing my foot and my dad having to get me down... No Miss America waves during the landing....
what a great story! except the foot thing. I have never been parasailing but would love to try it one day.
Haha oh my goodness, that is too funny! Your dad sounds awesome! Hope your foot is okay, though!
I've never been para sailingeither. Guess you'll have that when you don't own a boat or grow up near a huge body of water. Did you have a good labor day weekend?
What a great story!!! Your dad sounds super cool! :o)
Read all pending posts. Hope by now you are well settled in your new place. I loved the quote in Good Morning. It is so nice that you had a good time in LA. How are your legs now? Remember the old saying - Practice makes a person perfect.
Take care
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